Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dr Joe Barnes of ICROSS reaches 100 years old

To mark the hundredth birthday of Dr. Joe Barnes we are extending the Dr. Joe Barnes project this year in 2015. This is a very special occasion that pays tribute to one of the first physicians from Ireland to make a major contribution to tropical medicine.
Dr. Joe Barnes was working in Africa in leper colonies during the Second World War. He ran a number of important leper programs in West Africa in the 1940s. He was one of the first specialists to work in the Biafran war camps and worked in numerous disasters and public health programs across the poor world over the decades. He was an obstetrician, surgeon and consultant in tropical medicine. He founded ICROSS with Dr. Michael Meegan in 1979. He established the research unit of ICROSS in 1983 and encouraged the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland to collaborate with ICROSS in primary health care research focusing mainly on water and water Bourne diseases http://icrossinternational.org/medical-research/index.as

Dr. Barnes remains regularly informed of all our programs and continues to support field operations and our public health initiatives. In 2015 Dr. Joe Barnes project will focus on improving water capacity and developing water projects in remote rural areas. Details of these field activities will be regularly updated here on the news page.

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