Sunday, March 27, 2011


ICROSS has been involved in collaborative research for over 20 years .

We have been involved in the long term development of effective ways to improve drinking water.

The aim of the SODISWATER project is to demonstrate that solar disinfection of drinking water is an effective intervention against a range of waterborne diarrhoeal diseases at household level and as emergency relief in the aftermath of natural or man-made disasters.The project is carried out by an international team of researchers from 9 different groups in 7 countries within Africa and Europe.

General Objectives:
The strategic objectives of the SODISWATER project are:

1. To demonstrate that Solar Disinfection (SODIS) of drinking water is an appropriate, effective and acceptable intervention against waterborne disease for vulnerable communities in developing countries without reliable access to safe water.

2. To evaluate and test different diffusion and behavioural change strategies in areas with different social and cultural conditions for sustainable adoption of solar water disinfection.

3. To disseminate these research outcomes throughout the international aid and emergency relief communities so that SODIS is adopted as one of a range of standard water quality interventions (e.g. filtration, chlorination, desalination, etc.) for use in the immediate aftermath of natural (Tsunami, flood, earthquake, hurricane/typhoon) or man-made disasters (war-zone, famine, refugee camp).

4. To develop a range of simple SODIS enhancement technological innovations that can be matched to varying socio-economic conditions.- UV dosimetric indicators of disinfection, photocatalytic inactivation and continuous flow compound parabolic collector arrays for small
community distribution systems.

more information about this partnership and research can be downloaded about this project from

you can see photos of this project on

Thursday, March 24, 2011

ICROSS comprehensive care centre Kenya

ICROSS continues to fight HIV AIDS with long term support of prevention and support programmes. Sub-Saharan Africa has over 70% of the Worlds AIDS cases. This causes terrible suffering. For 30 years ICROSS has been fighting AIDS in Kenya.

An estimated 22.5 million people are living with HIV in Africa. In 2009 around 1.3 million people died from AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and 1.8 million people became infected with HIV. Since the beginning of the epidemic 14.8 million children have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS. ICROSS has been fighting AIDS through

* Prevention and Education
* Safe sex programmes
* HIV Awareness campaigns
* Home based care and support of carers
* Comprehensive training, referral, support, back up and orphan support activities.

As part of this committment ICROSS built the Bondo Comprehensive care centre in Bondo, Western Kenya. Danny Ngwiri, Country Director announced today;
" we will develop with the Ministry of health programmes that will strengthen comprehensive support. "

Danny began the first ICROSS HIV programme in western Kenya 15 years ago then established two other AIDS projects in Bondo. "the need is so widespread and the suffering is worse for children, whole villages have been devastated by AIDS "

Danny was in Bondo planning with the Ministry of health team future joint strategies. If you would like to know more about our AIDS programmes, please download our reports and look at the project section on our web site.

Dr Michael Meegan toured the programme this month

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ICROSS comprehensive care centre Kenya

ICROSS continues to fight HIV AIDS with long term support of prevention and support programmes. Sub-Saharan Africa has over 70% of the Worlds AIDS cases. THis causes terrible suffering. For 30 years ICROSS has been fighting AIDS in Kenya.

An estimated 22.5 million people are living with HIV in Africa. In 2009 around 1.3 million people died from AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and 1.8 million people became infected with HIV. Since the beginning of the epidemic 14.8 million children have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS. ICROSS has been fighting AIDS through
Prevention and Education
Safe sex programmes
HIV Awareness campaigns
Home based care and support of carers
Comprepensive training , referral , support , back up and orphan support activities.

As part of this committment ICROSS built the Bondo Comprehensive care centre in Bondo, Western Kenya. Danny Ngwiri, Country Director announced today
" we will develop with the Ministry of health programmes that will strengthen comprehensive support. "

Danny began the first ICROSS HIV programme in western Kenya 15 years ago then established two other AIDS projects in Bondo. "the need is so widespread and the suffering is worse for children, whole villages have been devastated by AIDS " Danny was in Bondo planning with the Ministry of health team future joint strategies. If you would like to know more about our AIDS programmes , please download our reports and look at the project section on our web site.

The Founder of ICROSS Dr Michael Meegan said today that ICROSS remains committed to community driven programmes at village level.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

International women's day

ICROSS celebrates women's day today . Throughout the world international women's day is being celebrated . For decades this day marks both the ptogress made and the challenges ahead .

Dr Michael Meegan , international director said today
" for thirty years ICROSS has been dedicated to the rights of women , empowering women, equality and equal opportunity . While great progress has occurred there is no room for complacency . ICROSS projects remain focused on women's health , gender awareness and fighting for a fairer world . A big part of our work is maternal and child health. Today we celebrate the very real advances around the world . Tragically women remain oppressed abused exploited and denied their rights in many countries . "

"Today we honour the women who struggle for justice and basic rights . We continue to build long term community owned projects that will wotk towards fairness and equality . In 2011 there are still millions of women living in absolute poverty . Far from being complacent we must all re double our efforts in fighting this suffering and injustice "

All ICROSS projects are women based and community owned .

Michael Elmore-Meegan MSc Community Health TCD
Founder International Director!/ICROSSprojects

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Dr Michael Meegan spoke today in London

The themeiof his talk was the future of International AID

he spoke of the nature of grace and the failure of the multilateral AID structures. In the last lecture of the present tour, Michael Meegan quoted extensively from his forthcoming book THE TRIBE OF ONE.

Dr Meegan returns to Africa this week to launch the Anaemia precvention programme among the Maasai.

Following talks with the co-founder Dr Joe Barnes MD, Dr Mike Meegan returns home to Africa where he has directed Public health innovations and new approaches in community health for three decades. Dr Meegan and Dr Barnes recently launched the new Maternal child health care initiative.