Friday, November 25, 2011

World AIDS Day December 1st 2011

World AIDS Day December 1st 2011

This is a day we remember the terrible epidemic that has caused so much suffering around the World. It a day that hopes to increase awareness about AIDS and remind people of the tragic loss caused by this horrific pandemic. As usual those who suffer most are the poorest of the poor.
Africa has over two thirds of the Worlds HIV and AIDS victims and most of the deaths with over 22 million suffering. They have the fastest spread of the epidemic and few resources to fight the scale of the suffering.
Kenya has one of the world’s worst AIDS epidemics. Over 1.5 million people are living with HIV in Kenya ; over 1.2 million children have been orphaned by AIDS; and in 2009 80,000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses across the country. This compares to the UK with 90,000 cases.
Kenya’s HIV numbers peaked in 2000 and, according to the latest figures, has dramatically reduced to around 6.3 percent. This decline is partially due to an increase in education and awareness, and high death rates. Its also due to aggressive prevention programmes. ICROSS has been fighting AIDS in Kenya since 1987. There is a lot more to do as many people are still vulnerable. ICROSS has a range of programmes including prevention and awareness.
Just under half of adults who need treatment and only 1 in 3 children needing treatment are receiving it. There are huge strides that have been made and the epidemic is slowing down, but there are still millions who desperately need help and an opportunity to rebuild their lives. Prevention and creating awareness, providing condoms and encouraging safe sex is critical. ICROSS continues its efforts to fight AIDS.
There is a vast amount of work that ICROSS and its partners need to do. We need your help to do it.
ICROSS HIV and AIDS programmes have reached thousands of families over the last 20 years. Serving communities across Kenya , we have provided effective home care, AIDS orphan support, training, prevention, community services and care centres. ICROSS has an AIDS resource centre in Bondo in Western Kenya and has created support systems in villages in rural areas. We need your help and support to do more. There are videos on our HIV AIDS programmes on

Michael Elmore-Meegan MSc Community Health TCD
Founder, International Director ICROSS

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