Monday, February 4, 2008

crisis in kenya

The current crisis in Kenya has displaced hundreds of thousands of people. Thousands of homes have been destroyed and livelihoods lost. ICROSS has projects in three crisis areas.During last weeks violence ICROSS closed its office in Nakuru withdrawing teams from Nakuru town in the wake of the riots that resulted in hundreds fleeing their homes and sections of the city were set on fire. The Nakuru office has reopened and all health teams, project staff and medical teams are at work.We are trying to reach as many displaced people as possible including hundreds of children in need of help. Patients, those caring for them and their children are experiencing fear and distress, One little girl was reunited with her sick mother. She had been lost for three days and told how a mob set fire to her small hut, they lost everything inside and everyone kept running until they got to the forest. " It was dark and we thought we would be killed, I don't know why they don't like us, we did nothing wrong to them" she said. She was one of many children who are at risk and vulnerable.International Director Dr. Michael Elmore-Meegan said today in Nakuru "ICROSS will continue to stay in the villages and provide whatever practical help and support as we can. We need any help and support we can get."You can make a difference and donate on line or contact us directly by emailing

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