ICROSS revamps its oldest clinics and hands over the TBA programmes to local communities
Canadian Government donates 240 bicycles to ICROSS health workers
BBC Hard talk Interview with Stephen Sackur on ICROSS model Vs G20 thinking
We established the Kimotho Gathoni Educational Grant in honour of one of our team who died tragically , he was a carer of AIDS Orphans
- Published “Identifying emerging needs among AIDS orphans in Kenya”. Multi-Centre Matched Perspective Control Study of 2,786 Children Orphaned by AIDS, 2,420 other Orphans and 3,400 Nairobi, Kenya”. 2000
- Published “AIDS orphans, an emerging crisis USAID sponsored conference.” Nanyuki. Kenya”. 2000
- Published “Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA Humanities from JAMA — I Held Him in My Arms and Wept. ... Michael K. Elmore-Meegan Jul 12, 2000
- ICROSS reached 1,284 AIDS orphans and vulnerable children
- Published “Solar disinfection of drinking water protects against cholera in children under 6 years of age”. Conroy RM, Meegan ME, Joyce T, McGuigan K, Barnes J. Arch Dis Child 2001; 85(4):293-5. Showing the impact on reducing and preventing Cholera using solar disinfection.
- Published “Effect on neonatal tetanus mortality after a culturally-based health promotion programme”. Meegan M, Conroy RM, Lengeny SO, Renhault K, Nyangole J. Lancet 2001;358(9282):640-1 demonstrating the impact of harm reduction programmes by reducing incidence of neonatal tetanus by over 70% in a 20 year study.
- Published “Effect of fly control using sustainable interventions on the prevalence of Trachoma in five pastoral tribes in Kenya”. World Health Organization Trachoma conference, Geneva, Switzerland. 2001
- Published “World Health Origination (WHO) guidelines Trachoma prevention, fly traps”, M Elmore-Meegan Prof D Morely et al, Geneva, Switzerland. 2001
ICROSS revamps its oldest clinics and hands over the TBA programmes to local communities
Canadian Government donates 240 bicycles to ICROSS health workers
- AIDS orphans & Vulnerable Children; an evidence-led response. IFCW World Forum. Cape Town, South Africa. 2003
- Handed over Bungoma HIV home care programme to Ministry of Health serving 3,000 patients.
- Annual Consultative Review, Manitoba and Nairobi Universities Collaborative Conference. “An assessment of home-based care interventions among 2,116 terminally ill patients in Bondo and Siaya using clinically validated scales. Interim results.” Nairobi, Kenya. 2003
- ICROSS Initiated Dr Joe Barnes projects.
- ICROSS extends Child to Child health promotion to its entire project
- We built 14 VIP latrines allowing improved sanitation and hygiene and dispensaries and schools.
- Global fund grant supported ICROSS in a multi million Shilling initiative. We created mobile and walk in voluntary councelling and testing facilities, home care reaching 23,000 HIV/AIDS victims in 5 districts of Kenya. Our staff tripled in this year alone.
- Canadian Government donates a mobile Clinic to ICROSS to extend services.
- ICROSS welcomed a record number of interns and volunteers both local and International.
- Created a new Commercial Sex worker support project reaching over 400 sex workers.
- Published “Sex workers in Kenya, numbers of clients and associated risks: an exploratory survey”. Elmore-Meegan M, Conroy RM, Reprod Health Matters 2004; 12(23):50-7.
- Published “All Will be Well” republished newly updated April 2015 (Forward by John Hurt) Eye-Books, 149 pgs. , May 2004. ISBN 1903070279 www.eye-book.com
- ICROSS established its commercial sex work support program
- ICROSS reached 900 internships since the project began and 2400 volunteers
- ICROSS extended mobile clinics under a grant from the Japanese Government
BBC Hard talk Interview with Stephen Sackur on ICROSS model Vs G20 thinking
We established the Kimotho Gathoni Educational Grant in honour of one of our team who died tragically , he was a carer of AIDS Orphans
- International collaborative study launched headed by Royal College of Surgeons.
- Extended Trachoma blindness prevention programmes to all operational areas
- Irish Television broadcasts a TV Documentary “ When you say four thousand Goodbyes”
- Together with Manuel Scrima ICROSS launched its most ambitious poverty awareness program Africa-Awakes.com these expiations have traveled to 16 countries over a five year period.
- 7,717 HIV patients provided with suppliments and additional food
- 7,366 Patients given Medical support
- 23,313 immediate family affected by HIV supported and assisted through the home reach programmes
- 13,833 orphans and vulnerable children reached and assisted
- 13,000 people protected by bed nets distributed in 2006
- Distributed over 1.2 Million condoms
- Published “Surprised by joy”; a story of hope in the midst of tragedy, Forward by Stephen Sackur BBC,156 pgs.,First Published July 2006 republished on line for Kindle Dec 2014 ) detailing the work and philosophy of ICROSS
- Presented “Applied operational study of pain determinants in terminally ill patients in Bondo, Kenya XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, August 06”
- Presented “Creating long term change through culturally acceptable cost effective public health interventions”. The 46th Robert Graves Lecture, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Dublin 10 May 06 sharing the ICROSS Model of locally driven planning and community owned programmes.
- Extended female Genital Mutilation prevention and Harm Reduction to reach 6,000 girls.
- Monitored growth over 23,760 children providing suppliments to 4, 600
- Published “ Let me Die with dignity”: Creating Meaningful Homecare Programmes for People Living with AIDS in Bungoma, Kenya,Mwenda Ntarangwi, Ph.D. and 1Michael Elmore-Megan, The African Anthropologist Vol. 13 No. 1&2, Spring 2007, pp. 9-25.
- Allocated 126 self help grants and 340 domestic livestock as part of micro financing to increase local capacity.
- Advised 27 NGOs in 11 countries on Programme implementation
- Presented “Emerging mega-trends in Global health Future shocks; disasters and relief in a changing world”, RedR Conference, Royal College of nursing, London, 5th December, 2007, chaired by the Princess Royal
- Presented “Locally appropriate technologies in low income settings” Dept International health, Tampere University, Finland. 29th Nov 2007
- ICROSS extends its child monitoring clinics using the Direct recording scales developed together with Teaching Aids at low cost and Professor David Morley
- Distributed over $6,000 of medical learning materials and technologies to health professional in Kenya and Tanzania
- Africa Awakes ICROSS awareness exhibition reaches 60,000 visitors in 2007 in 4 countries.
- Irish government funded project community health worker training course in public health sanitation, hygiene and water serving over 16,000 semi desert nomads
- 2008 ICROSS distributed over 400,000 condoms as part of HIV prevention and sexual reproductive programmes.
- Extended peer education among young men reaching over 4,200.
- ICROSS hands over IRISH AID funded health training programme after completion of the training impacting on 6,000 mothers
- 6,000 hours of community and volunteers donated time
- Distributed 2,300 bed nets
- We reahed 72% immunisational coverage in our programme areas
- Allocated grassroot support grants to 1,200 children
- Provided rehabilitation support to 680 children
- Streamlines reporting systems in all ICROSS Health programmes
- Extended child to Child health promotion in local languages to over 6,000 children in high risk semi desert areas.
- Strengthened Maternal child health and reproductive health in partnership with Ministry of health to reach an additional 3,800 mothers
- Began IT training for health workers and launched the “ computers for Health staff distributing latest health data for health professionals in remote areas.
- Completed multi-centre nutritional assessment of malnutrition in all catchements showing a reduction in malnutrition of 14% over the previous year
- Published “Changing the World” Feb 2009 256 pgs.www.eye-books.com
- Published “Take my hand, a spiritual journey”With Sharon Wilkinson, Forward by T Hogan, 58 pgs. www.michaelmeegan.com July 2009 republished for kindle Oct 2014
- Published “Health care in regions of absolute Poverty” Seminar,Dept International health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tampere, Finland 30th November 2009
- Presented SODIS in KENYA, 20 years of field implementation SODIS International Conference Phnom Phen Cambodia International seminar of the impact of Solar disinfection Non 2009
- Twenty years of SODIS in Kenya. International Research Colloquium of the Network to promote Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin 21st - 23rd September 2009
- Presented “Changing dynamics of Morbidity, Mortality and poverty of children in the Third World”.Senate Hearing, Italian Senate, Rome. Senatorial Commission on International Children’s Rights,at the request of Italian Senate Commission, Rome, 31st April 2009
- Presented “Global health and interdependency”, The Royal College of Surgeons Charter day lecture 2009 Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin. 12th Feb 2009
- Published “AFRO Journal Italy”, on Global health, poverty and International health trends and patterning Oct 09 Feb 09
- To mark the 20th Malaria campaign we distributed over 20,000 bed nets
- International Advisory board expanded to include IT and SEO specialists.
- ICROSS completed the five year SODIS study
- ICROSS extends water borne disease programme to meet the increase in dehydration and diarrhoeal infections.
- Expansion of all ICROSS facilities doubling capacity of all clinics and adding maternity units begins.
- Completed an external Management organizational review , implemented recommendations leading to restructuring and right sizing of he NGO.
- Governance standards met with UK charity commission guidelines
- Our safe motherhood, child Survival and infant malnutrition project reached over 26,000 in 2011.
- We distributed 3,200 bed nets as part of our Annual Malaria campaign this year
- Our Diarrhoea prevention programme including oral rehydration, sanitation and safe water reached 26,000 throughout the year
- We prevented 8,500 cases of trachoma and treated 3,400 cases.
- We donated 9 water tanks and decontaminated 5 water sources thanks to UK partner NWI.
- We allocated 122 support grants for girls education
- Published “Randomized Intervention Study of Solar Disinfection of Drinking Water in the Prevention of Dysentery in Kenyan Children Aged under 5 Years”. Martella du Preez†, Ronan M. Conroy, Sophie Ligondo, James Hennessy, Michael Elmore-Meegan, Allan Soita, and Kevin G. McGuigan* Environ. Sci. Technol., 2011, 45 (21), pp 9315–9323, September 21, 2011
- Global health promotion and the civil society – an NGO perspective to inequity,
- ICROSS introduced an online you tube project
- First Global Health Course: Series of Lectures on International Health, Institute of Medicine, Khatmandu, Nepal August 2013
- Shared 12 of our projects on youtube ( details in 2013 and 2014 Annual Reports )
- Extended our online advice and health messages by text following he ministry of health recommendations for public health infomation awareness
- Created new multi media support on line advice and help lines to meet growing demand for low cost health support networks
- Presented “Changes in Global health, the INGO context”. Dept. International health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tampere, Finland , June 2013
- We handed over the comprehensive care unit in Bondo to the Government, It serves over 40,000 in the District.
- JK and JD launched the latest poverty awareness multimedia program which has an ambitious target of reaching 200,000 people in Europe between 2015-16.
- ICROSS launched its 2nd phase of support help lines and online advise through its SEO, Blog and Twitter campaigns.
- Published “Why Anti-Gay Laws Matter on World AIDS Day” http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/dr-michael-meegan/ 1 Dec 2013
- Maasai, a Cultural Context, Documentary : Dante Montagnani, London Oct 2014
- 43,800 hrs of donated services by community and overseas volunteers
- 250,000 condoms distributed towards HIV and AIDS prevention
- Published “Getting into the Development Sector and breaking into a future in Development NGOs” http://icrossinternational.org/faq/index.asp July 2014
- The Co Founder of ICROSS Professor Joe Barnes celebrates his 100th Birthday
Contact Us
ICROSS International Head Office
Registered Office ICROSS, PO 507 Ngong Hills, Kenya
( A Registered Non Governmental Organisation regulated by the Kenyan Government
NGOs Coordination board under the NGO Act ; Registration No. OP/218/051/9254/180 )
Registered Office ICROSS, PO 507 Ngong Hills, Kenya
( A Registered Non Governmental Organisation regulated by the Kenyan Government
NGOs Coordination board under the NGO Act ; Registration No. OP/218/051/9254/180 )
International Director: Dr Michael Meegan D Med HC NUI