Tuesday, November 20, 2012


ICROSS has been improving sanitation for 33 years and works on improving access to water. World Toilet day is a reminder for people, a chance to share the problem. In a series of events ICROSS is working with partners to create awareness . We are part of an International lobby to improve access to toilets Can you imagine not having a toilet, or ever having used one in your life? Can you imagine not having privacy when you need to relieve yourself? One in three people on this globe, does not have access to a toilet! Have you ever thought about the true meaning of this? World Toilet Day was created to pose exactly these kind of questions and to raise global awareness of the daily struggle for proper sanitation that a staggering 2.5 billion people face. World Toilet Day brings together different groups, such as media, the private sector, development organisations and civil society in a global movement to advocate for safe toilets. ICROSS water and sanitation programme is working at improving sanitation conditions in semi desert areas and needs your help urgently. Please look at our projects and help through https://icrossinaction.com/donate.html Diarrhoea kills millions every year and with your help we can reduce this suffering and make a real difference now.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

ICROSS and neo natal tetanus

Since 1980 ICROSS has been fighting neo natal tetanus. As part of the 2012-2013 neonatal tetanus strategy we are sharing more of our publications and public health research. In this study ICROSS measured the mpact of a 20 year prevention programme You can learn more about our health reaearch on line http://www.icrossinternational.org/publications/pdf/lancet_tetanus_2001.pdf