Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Maasai launch ICROSS project partnership programme Every day over 22,000 children die needlessly from diseases of poverty,that is one child every 4 seconds. For over thirty years The International Community for Relief of Starvation and Suffering has been on the ground fighting poverty and disease. Local health workers and Ministry of Health medical teams work with ICROSS to change the lives of children and mothers every day. In July 2012 we have started a partnership programme to reach even more children in desperate need of your help. Saruni OleLengeny, A Maasai Elder spearheads a community campaign to support infants most at risk from malnutrition and diarrhoeal infections. Together with the traditional social networks ICROSS is implementing innovative and exciting training programmes through local culture and belief systems. Saruni said today “ Everyone is having a really tough time the World over but here in the semi desert recovering from years of drought the children are the most vulnerable, we need your help today, please get involved” you can also donate through https://icrossinaction.com/donate2.html The partnership programme will link friends and individual donors with their own project. Targeted disease prevention is carefully focused on breaking the transmission route of diseases. Fighting blindness we are reducing fly populations that spread Trachoma. Reducing suffering from diarrhoea we are ensuring clean drinking water, in preventing deaths from Malaria we are distributing bed nets. You can get personally involved in this partnership programme by contacting the Programme Director at danny@icrossinternational.org We want to hear from you, your personal support can make all the difference. More details of the partnership programme will be posted on the project section of this site. You can help support our programmes by emailing us , looking at http://icrossinternational.org/get-involved/index.asp or donating on line https://icrossinaction.com/donate2.html --